Maffra Medical Group has been involved in training the next generation of doctors for over 20 years. We have learners at various levels of their medical training with us at the clinic. We are currently accredited with both the RACGP and ACCRM for registrar placements.
Information for patients
GP Registrars
What is a GP registrar?
A GP registrar is a fully qualified doctor who is enrolled in a training program and working towards their fellowship with their chosen college to be a specialist GP. They have completed medical school and a minimum of 2 years training in hospitals before commencing work in general practice. Registrars are studying and working towards passing several exams set by their college before they can achieve their fellowship and work unsupervised anywhere in Australia.
Medical students
Maffra Medical Group in association with Monash University Rural School of Health, supports medical students within the practice. Year 4C medical students are placed in the practice for the academic year. This provides valuable learning as they are able to follow a patient journey over time. Year 2 & 3 students are offered observation placement and attend for a day only.
As a patient you may be offered an appointment to see a Year 4C student prior to your consultation with the GP, or you may be advised there is a student sitting in on the GP’s consultations. Your participation is a valuable contribution to the future of our community’s health. If at any time you do not wish to participate please feel free to advise our reception staff.
Medical Students are bound by the same ethical standards regarding confidentiality as your doctor.
Information for registrars
Maffra Medical Group has a long history of training registrars with experienced supervisors who are passionate about teaching and training. Many of our current GPs and supervisors came through the clinic as registrars themselves and stayed on due to their positive experiences. We are fully accredited with both RACGP and ACRRM to provide vocational training.
Things we provide for our registrars:
- protected in hours teaching time
- tailored teaching to the registrars needs
- onsite supervision 100% of the time regardless of level of training
- fully supervised on call arrangements
- a genuinely supportive training environment with a learner-centred ethos
If you would like to learn more about the training experience we offer, please contact our practice manager at practicemanager@mafframedical.com
Information for medical students
Our medical student experience at Maffra Medical Group involves a wave consulting model as well as 1:1 time with your supervisor. You may also have the opportunity to join registrar teaching sessions and assist with procedural work.